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Sonnet IV
: Unthrifty loveliness, why dost thou spend Poèmes 2005-03-16 (7064 affiches)
Sonnet IX
: Is it for fear to wet a widow's eye Poèmes 2005-03-17 (5719 affiches)
Sonnet L
: How heavy do I journey on the way, Poèmes 2005-03-28 (5635 affiches)
Sonnet LI
: Thus can my love excuse the slow offence Poèmes 2005-03-31 (5565 affiches)
Sonnet LII
: So am I as the rich, whose blessed key Poèmes 2005-03-31 (5457 affiches)
Sonnet LIII
: What is your substance, whereof are you made, Poèmes 2005-03-31 (6789 affiches)
Sonnet LIV
: O, how much more doth beauty beauteous seem Poèmes 2005-03-31 (5426 affiches)
Sonnet LIX
: If there be nothing new, but that which is Poèmes 2005-04-01 (5311 affiches)
Sonnet LV
: Not marble, nor the gilded monuments Poèmes 2005-03-31 (6027 affiches)
Sonnet LVI
: Sweet love, renew thy force; be it not said Poèmes 2005-04-01 (5598 affiches)
Sonnet LVII
: Being your slave, what should I do but tend Poèmes 2005-04-01 (5418 affiches)
Sonnet LVIII
: That god forbid that made me first your slave, Poèmes 2005-04-01 (5285 affiches)
Sonnet LX
: Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore, Poèmes 2005-04-01 (5917 affiches)
Sonnet LXI
: Is it thy will thy image should keep open Poèmes 2005-04-05 (5596 affiches)
Sonnet LXII
: Sin of self-love possesseth all mine eye Poèmes 2005-04-05 (5594 affiches)
Sonnet LXIII
: Against my love shall be, as I am now, Poèmes 2005-04-05 (5809 affiches)
Sonnet LXIV
: When I have seen by Time's fell hand defaced Poèmes 2005-04-05 (5833 affiches)
Sonnet LXIX
: Those parts of thee that the world's eye doth view Poèmes 2005-04-12 (6000 affiches)
Sonnet LXV
: Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea, Poèmes 2005-04-05 (5798 affiches)
Sonnet LXVI
: Tired with all these, for restful death I cry, Poèmes 2005-04-12 (5968 affiches)
Sonnet LXVII
: Ah! wherefore with infection should he live, Poèmes 2005-04-12 (5711 affiches)
: Thus is his cheek the map of days outworn, Poèmes 2005-04-12 (5512 affiches)
Sonnet LXX
: That thou art blamed shall not be thy defect, Poèmes 2005-04-12 (5851 affiches)
Sonnet LXXI
: No longer mourn for me when I am dead Poèmes 2005-04-14 (7816 affiches)
Sonnet LXXII
: O, lest the world should task you to recite Poèmes 2005-04-14 (5860 affiches)
: That time of year thou mayst in me behold Poèmes 2005-04-14 (5650 affiches)
: Poèmes 2008-10-08 (5990 affiches)
Sonnet LXXIV
: But be contented: when that fell arrest Poèmes 2005-04-14 (5576 affiches)
Sonnet LXXIX
: Whilst I alone did call upon thy aid, Poèmes 2005-04-20 (5682 affiches)
Sonnet LXXV
: So are you to my thoughts as food to life, Poèmes 2005-04-14 (5671 affiches)
Sonnet LXXVI
: Why is my verse so barren of new pride, Poèmes 2005-04-20 (5530 affiches)
Sonnet LXXVI
: Poèmes 2009-01-08 (6559 affiches)
: Thy glass will show thee how thy beauties wear, Poèmes 2005-04-20 (5670 affiches)
: So oft have I invoked thee for my Muse Poèmes 2005-04-20 (5540 affiches)
Sonnet LXXX
: O, how I faint when I of you do write, Poèmes 2005-04-20 (5520 affiches)
Sonnet LXXXI
: Or I shall live your epitaph to make, Poèmes 2005-04-21 (5592 affiches)
: I grant thou wert not married to my Muse Poèmes 2005-04-21 (5684 affiches)
: I never saw that you did painting need Poèmes 2005-04-21 (5397 affiches)
: Who is it that says most? Which can say more Poèmes 2005-04-21 (5270 affiches)
: Poèmes 2008-12-15 (6937 affiches)
Sonnet LXXXV
: My tongue-tied Muse in manners holds her still, Poèmes 2005-04-21 (5000 affiches)
Sonnet V
: Those hours, that with gentle work did frame Poèmes 2005-03-16 (5460 affiches)
Sonnet VI
: Then let not winter's ragged hand deface Poèmes 2005-03-16 (5360 affiches)
Sonnet VII
: Lo! in the orient when the gracious light Poèmes 2005-03-17 (4291 affiches)
Sonnet VIII
: Music to hear, why hear'st thou music sadly? Poèmes 2005-03-17 (4492 affiches)
Sonnet X
: For shame! deny that thou bear'st love to any, Poèmes 2005-03-17 (4461 affiches)
Sonnet XCI
: Some glory in their birth, some in their skill, Poèmes 2005-03-15 (5168 affiches)
Sonnet XI
: As fast as thou shalt wane, so fast thou growest Poèmes 2005-03-18 (4055 affiches)
Sonnet XII
: When I do count the clock that tells the time, Poèmes 2005-03-18 (4493 affiches)
Sonnet XIII
: O, that you were yourself! but, love, you are Poèmes 2005-03-18 (4276 affiches)
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